25. August 2009 09:21
25. August 2009 09:30
25. August 2009 09:45
25. August 2009 09:53
25. August 2009 09:53
25. August 2009 09:54
rom hat geschrieben:Ich rufe den Befehl im "OnAfterGetRecord" auf, macht es einen Unterschied zu "OnAfterGetCurrRecord"?
OnAfterGetRecord hat geschrieben:(Forms)
The C/AL code in this trigger is executed after a record is retrieved from a table but before it is displayed to the user. Typically, you will use this trigger to calculate variables that depend on the current record.
In a form with a table box, the system calls this trigger for each record in the table box, as the records are updated.
If there is an error in the code in this trigger, the system closes the form.
hat geschrieben:The C/AL code in this trigger is executed after the current record is retrieved from the table.
In a form with a table box, the system only calls this trigger when it updates the current record in the table box.
If there is an error in the code in this trigger, the system closes the form.
25. August 2009 09:59
rom hat geschrieben:Macht es einen Unterschied, das die noch editierbaren Felder LookUp's sind?