Umsatzsteuer Voranmeldung 2010

8. Februar 2010 12:44


i would like to apogogize my self to write in english. I do not speak germany.
I would like to know where i can find the VAT Statement Template, updated with the new EU regulation. (EU services + kz 21,45,46,47)

Here in belgium, we received from microsoft the new layout, but it seems to be not included in the germany version.

How you guys have solved this issue?

Thank you

Re: Umsatzsteuer Voranmeldung 2010

9. Februar 2010 00:07

Hi Bergroulle,

in Germany we have to submit the VAT Statement ectronically to the government since a few years (means the print out statement was removed by the government the day). Therefore Microsoft removed the official VAT statement too from the german database and implemented the electronical transfer in the DE version. For comanpies who have no posibility / allowance to transfer directly from their (NAV) system there exists a software in Germany named ELSTER whcih can be installed locally ( In that software you can enter your VAT amounts and tansfer the VAT statement to the german government if you're registered your company to recieve the authorization key file.

Best Regards,

Re: Umsatzsteuer Voranmeldung 2010

11. Februar 2010 13:15

Hi Anke,

Thank you for your answer.

If i understand well, you guys no longer use the report 11005 ?

Re: Umsatzsteuer Voranmeldung 2010

11. Februar 2010 17:18

We're still using report 11005 in Germany - for electronical submisson out of NAV to the government or for printouts (internal use only). I thought you were talking about the report 11008 (Sales VAT Advance Notif. Form). That one was removed by Microsoft in the DE Version as the VAT statement has to be submitted electronically.

Cheers, Anke