7. Oktober 2016 12:58
Nennswerte Platform Hotfixes:
- DateTime creation is incorrect after Cumulative Update 08.
Nähere Infos dazu fehlen, aber interessant, dass der Fehler 16 Updates lang unbemerkt oder unkorrigiert blieb. - 380532 The development environment can freeze when you import, compile, or design objects that contain DotNet variables not installed on the computer.
- 380653 When a page is run modally from an add-in, the page does not show the OK and Cancel buttons.
- 380750 In C/AL statements, STRSUBSTNO works incorrectly.
Leider ohne nähere Infos. - 380956 Enable Windows client control add-in to run in legacy IE7 mode.
Nennenswerte Application Hotfixes
- 380876 Incorrect special characters in the Create XML-File VAT Adv. Notif report in the DACH version. REP 11016